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Tout ce qui a été posté par Zapatate

  1. Zapatate

    Wilson Clash

    Alors je demandais le prix du truc neuf et bien fait... Sinon oui, j'ai une bombe de noir mate à la maison mais bon...
  2. Zapatate

    Wilson Clash

    Et si ce n'est pas indiscret, ca coute combien une version comme celle ci ?
  3. Zapatate

    Raket Wilson

    La vache, tu penses à tout, t'es une mère pour moi !!! Merciiii !!! T'aurais pas un thermobag ? Le mien est un peu vieux...
  4. Zapatate

    Raket Wilson

    Ah yes c'est les nouvelles Wilson US Obut 860g Trinitriplette 2019 sans pression ? Merci, je suis comblé !!! Elles ont de gros avantages comme de donner énormément de sensations à l'impact et d'être aussi rigides en été qu'en hiver. Par contre, parait que le rebond est pas hyper haut et qu'elles prennent moyennement le spin . Mais aller, je ne vais pas faire la fine bouche ! MER-CI !!!!! Je vais direct tester ce combo : Blablabla Pure Apero 2020 et ces petites baballes "sans pression" (mais avec une bière), contre le mur du voisin !!!
  5. Zapatate

    Raket Wilson

    La nouvelle Blablabla Pure Apero 2020 ? 98RA et SW de 764... Du coup, j'hésite, j'ai peur que ca me fasse un peu trop... (Sauf pour mon R2M peut être...) Tony29 conseille un rotofil en tension basse là dessus. Qq'un l'a-t-il essayée ? @Bernie peut être ? Apparemment il fait un tournoi en double là :
  6. Zapatate

    Raket Wilson

    Et bien écoutez, je ne sais que dire... Il n'y a pas de mot. Je n'en serais jamais arrivé là sans votre soutien à tous. C'est un grand honneur, merci du fond du cœur. Tout ça c'est du travail, des sacrifices, des heures devant le pc à glander au lieu de faire à bouffer ou de passer le balais... Et c'est à vous tous que je le dois. Des heures à rever qu'on jouera mieux avec une autre couleur de surgrip au lieu de faire du mur... Et ca... C'est un doux rêve que je suis heureux de partager avec vous... Toutefois, sans vouloir déclencher de polémique, il est de mon devoir, maintenant que je suis là devant vous de soulever la vraie question de cette édition 2020 : Pouvons nous dissocier le joueur de son jeu ? Voilà ! Merci encore...
  7. Zapatate

    Raket Wilson

    Y'a une faute dans l'titre là non ? (Oui bon bah on s'occupe comme on peut hein...)
  8. Zapatate

    Wilson Clash

    Ok ok...
  9. Zapatate

    Wilson Clash

    Bon alors, faut relativiser hein, sans devenir une Blade V7, la Clash 98, c'est bien plus precis avec plus controle (moins de "trop" de puissance qu'offre la Tour 100) et avec plus de retour que les Clash 100 et Tour 100. Ca reste spinny (un peu moins que la 100 mais plus que la Tour 100) et tres tolérant (moins que les 2 autres qui sont hyper tolérante). On a de la confiance, donc de la constance et de la regularité (oui c'est pareil), un gros lift ou de tres gros slice, marche tres bien sur R2M pour ma part (alors que j'ai qqes soucis en ce moment avec le reste). Les contres : on a toujours un manque d'information mais bien moins qu avec les 2 autres, ca reste toujours mega épais mais deja moins. Faut se faire a l'epaisseur du cadre en service... Bref, c'est moins extreme que les autres Clash, avec plus de sensations et de précisions (meme si je trouve qu'il n'y en a pas assez). Au final ca donne une raquette assez polyvalente, souple et confort, un poil trop aseptisée avec une bonne dose de controle tout en restant jouable. Bons resulstat avec mais on a parfois l'impression de jouer a l'aveuglette avec par manque de sensation, en gros on joue en se reposant sur la raquette plutot que sur ce qu'on ressent, ca marche, on marque des points et plus on joue avec et plus on voit que ca marche et qu'on marque des points avec de gros coups de bourrins mais on ne sait pas toujours pourquoi, même si on le sait plus qu'avec les 2 autres et que c'est plus precis (sans etre une blade et encore moins une pro staff). Citation du jour : je ne sais plus ou j'ai lu "La Blade V7 est un Scalpel, la Clash 98 est une épée", c'est assez cela qu'on ressent en jouant avec.
  10. Zapatate

    Head GRAVITY

  11. Zapatate

    Wilson Clash

    Et... Penses tu tester la 98 ?
  12. Je viens aux news, qqes bonnes âmes de notre paroisse auraient-elles comparer les ezone 98 et 100 (2018) et les nouvelles (2020) plus en détails ?
  13. Pas d'autres essais ?
  14. Zapatate

    Wilson Clash

    Yes ! Tout exact comme ca que qu'est-ce que j'pense en fait du truc ! A l'epoque, Pure strike 100 et Prince Warrior et parfois 100P. Meme cordage/tension (un peu moins tendu dans la pure strike). Sincérement, pour moi la clash 100 et la Tour 100 etaient des cadre puissant avec peu de retour en sensation. En tout cas, elle n'avaient rien d'une raquette controle comme une vcore pro (100 ou 97) ou Prince tour, 100P, Blade, pro staff, Prestige, pure control etc...
  15. Zapatate

    Wilson Clash

    Bah au risque de choquer, perso, je suis de l'avis de ma plupart des reviews, je les ai trouvées trop puissantes sinon j'aurais acheté une des 2 100 juste apres mais là c'est flagrant, tres peu de controle. Testées 2 fois, en revolve à 24 iso (fraichement cordées), je n'arrive pas a comprendre qu'on les trouve trop control. Je mets ca sur le compte de leur sensibilité au cordage peut etre... Mais voilà, le revolve a 24kg normalement c'est pas le truc qui avoine le plus...
  16. Et Prince qui poste des tofs de l'ancienne beast sur son FB cette semaine...
  17. Le premier suppose que la rigidité sera a 72-74 Le second nous apprend que : Head size: 100 inch2 Weight: 300g Balance: 320 mm Swingweight: 322 String Pattern: 16 × 19 Rigidity: 71 RA (detected) Profile: constant 22-26-24 mm Length: 68.6 cm The aestheticsUltra 100 V3 follows the line dictated by Wilson with DNA design, introduced for the first time with Blade V6, in two colors, and updated with Clash edition 2.0, with tricolor appearance. Ultra, however, it reintroduces a different aesthetic element, which is the shiny paint and, at the moment, is the only line of Wilson frames made entirely with this type of paint. We go to the chosen colors because the blue and light blue as the previous version, switching to black, silver and blue. Black is for the heart of the frame, the silver for the center fascia of the pot-strings, and the blue for the head, to create a neon effect when the company we're getting used to each frame. There Countervail, so even serigraphs are reduced to bone, everything is clean and tidy, with the usual two elements on the two rods, Wilson in blue on one and Ultra 3.0 proceeds to the other laser. But it is especially the frame structure which, although resembling all'antenata, is totally new, all redesigned around a concept of evolution of the profile in favor of playability and stability. In this direction, the section of the frame becomes thicker on the plate, but also varies the shape, which presents a rather complex geometric shape, even with 9 sides in the portion at 3 o'clock and 9, where is present the new PWS, the system of stabilized by means of the two lateral masses, which is now open in the center and passes the strings in its interior, for a greater extent of 3.5 mm of the central horizontal ropes. Practically, there is now a deep channel, in the middle of the PWS, which protrudes less and is more extended oval. The heart is totally redesigned in a more angular, with an almost triangular cross-section of the stems, which extends up to the attack to the handle. This part of the frame resembles that of Clash, from which surely arrive different elements of Ultra V3, but Ultra on the heart is wider and more airy stems. Going to the handle, then the usual handle, with butt-cap more rounded and beautiful red cap, here comes the new standard grip, all smooth and slightly thicker than the previous Sublime. In the field, Ultra 100 V3 first shows a greater connection with the ball compared to Ultra 100 Countervail and greater sweetness impact. Even if the data of rigidity detected is always high enough, there is to say that the frame is shown more delicate impact and feels especially a more regular flat ropes, more docile and with an output of more manageable ball. In general, Ultra V3 is not an overly rigid frame and the new geometries of the plate and the stems make it very stable at impact, taking a reactive and powerful behavior. The power is high, it pushes the ball very easily, even with movements not too long and the frame is thought of in this light, the promptness of response, but also has other fundamental qualities that are not at all of the second floor. Indeed, it must be said that Ultra 100 V3 is one of the profiled with the best control over the absolute stroke plate and probably is the frame that best interprets the game dish or with a few rotations between all racquets chubby in the market. The ball travels in a thrust and rigorous toward the target identified, with a very frontal and low trajectory, streamlined and precise, who knows how to satisfy those who seek both the blow always in thrust, where stability comes to the rescue and becomes increasingly appreciate, both for the network approach shots or resting on opponents punches. Ultra V3 has a gratuity of very interesting response, but it is not a "shooter" response because the frame likes to be commanded and responds, even in very small stress, so exuberant, but not reckless. The fact power, It is yes multiplied and easy to obtain, as well as high, but it is also progressive with respect to the response, with a typical character from agonistic frame, which can also be used with the shortened executions, but that undoubtedly prefers medium-large ones, to lengthen as he knows. Another positive aspect is the combination of handling and stability, leading Ultra to be pretty easy to move, but very firm on impact with the ball. Accelerate substantial manner is indeed the reach of many levels of play, while on the type of game suits, there is something to say. About research spin-labeled or hard cornering, does not find them in Ultra V3 and, although or spin is better than in Countervail version, remains a solution for directional control and to some extent but in general, back-spin aside, with rotations and we do not have much, and the strike plate / hedged just another go. We come to feel, saying that the impact is definitely not soft, so it's dry and direct, but Ultra V3 distanced from Countervail, not only for a more sincere impact, more sensitive, but certainly not sensitive, but you + also a sound totally different. If you used HP Ultra, in fact, remembers well the awkward sound, the "sdeng" that smells of hard, now Ultra V3 offers a much more pleasant sound better played by a closer, more intimate property for the ball. In general, therefore, Ultra 100 V3 proposes power, so, control, time, and a feeling improved, especially in terms of impact comfort. saying that the impact certainly is not soft, rather it is dry and direct, but Ultra V3 takes the distances from Countervail, not only for a more sincere impact, more sensitive, but certainly not sensitive, but also vi + a totally different sound. If you used HP Ultra, in fact, remembers well the awkward sound, the "sdeng" that smells of hard, now Ultra V3 offers a much more pleasant sound better played by a closer, more intimate property for the ball. In general, therefore, Ultra 100 V3 proposes power, so, control, time, and a feeling improved, especially in terms of impact comfort. saying that the impact certainly is not soft, rather it is dry and direct, but Ultra V3 takes the distances from Countervail, not only for a more sincere impact, more sensitive, but certainly not sensitive, but also vi + a totally different sound. If you used HP Ultra, in fact, remembers well the awkward sound, the "sdeng" that smells of hard, now Ultra V3 offers a much more pleasant sound better played by a closer, more intimate property for the ball. In general, therefore, Ultra 100 V3 proposes power, so, control, time, and a feeling improved, especially in terms of impact comfort. If you used HP Ultra, in fact, remembers well the awkward sound, the "sdeng" that smells of hard, now Ultra V3 offers a much more pleasant sound better played by a closer, more intimate property for the ball. In general, therefore, Ultra 100 V3 proposes power, so, control, time, and a feeling improved, especially in terms of impact comfort. If you used HP Ultra, in fact, remembers well the awkward sound, the "sdeng" that smells of hard, now Ultra V3 offers a much more pleasant sound better played by a closer, more intimate property for the ball. In general, therefore, Ultra 100 V3 proposes power, so, control, time, and a feeling improved, especially in terms of impact comfort. From the baseline, Goes with ease, there is a wide margin on the force is needed to blows, which always start in a full-bodied, fast and very well controlled. The frame reacts quickly to the stresses and allows both the dribble interim, with good sorting capacity at cruising speed, both the blow very thorough, the exchange of short search. In thrust offers a large power range, which helps especially in the more distant areas of the field, but it must be put in the budget that the top spin, raises the trajectory, but always comes out quite front. For this reason, from the bottom, you appreciate the game a lot more from the line and in advance that no more behind the backdrop of footwear, which is less effective and certainly more tiring. In gearboxes, Ultra V3 is instead very effective and feels like the shifting frame as soon as it impinges more with the impressed force. The appearance of the control, in fact, is not only a directional speech, but it is also related to the way in which the frame responds to stress, especially progressive and intuitive. In this sense, a large role is played by the sweetspot large and denser pattern than usual, which offer an answer adjust a good contact with the ball, holding down the exit angle. Another positive note, then, is the ability to advance on the strokes, that is dribbling or in progress, on which we can appreciate the virtually classic look of Ultra V3 and good appeasement toward the up game. but it is also related to the way in which the frame responds to stress, especially progressive and intuitive. In this sense, a large role is played by the sweetspot large and denser pattern than usual, which offer an answer adjust a good contact with the ball, holding down the exit angle. Another positive note, then, is the ability to advance on the strokes, that is dribbling or in progress, on which we can appreciate the virtually classic look of Ultra V3 and good appeasement toward the up game. but it is also related to the way in which the frame responds to stress, especially progressive and intuitive. In this sense, a large role is played by the sweetspot large and denser pattern than usual, which offer an answer adjust a good contact with the ball, holding down the exit angle. Another positive note, then, is the ability to advance on the strokes, that is dribbling or in progress, on which we can appreciate the virtually classic look of Ultra V3 and good appeasement toward the up game. The back , together with the strike plate, is one of the fundamental traits of the frame. Teso, sleek, fast and accurate, it should be addressed concretely to have substance, but is very effective is to place both to hack and attack. Very adjustable in intensity, less in height, is a shot that has a more offensive than defensive, despite grant of good answers blocked and discreet touches with the cut. A network is presented with handling and stability on impact, for an effective flat volleys and well controlled, while the touch gains, as said, with a slight cut. So, concreteness to the strike plate, fineness for the cut, but in general it always touches in a discrete manner, keeping an eye on the exuberance of response, especially in length. Very powerful smash, to crush a bit 'and to place more than from overstretched. At the service , the strike plate is great. Powerful and quite accurate, it offers a great pace without straining too much and always finding a full power. Very well you slice it, especially for the precision and speed with which comes out of the pot. It turns a lot, but it's down, very down, and place it in a very open corners. The kick was rather subdued, even out, but it is hard just to achieve it and there is a one-off, but more consecutive executions become tiring, because it must be loaded just to be effective. DefinitelyWilson proposes a new version of Ultra 100, more connected to the ball, more amenable to control and adjust in response, but still very powerful and so precise. Ultra 100 V3 has remarkable qualities of precision and is very oriented game dish and covered with little spin, with a discreet touch and excellent stability on impact. A frame suitable attacker or regolarista, provided the spin steps in the second floor, a back part, which is handled very well, with an interesting nature also for doppisti, having regard to the immediate response, even on executions intermediate swing and in placement. A frame definitely full of character and a very precise identity, which stands as one of the profile that fit into classic and, more generally, to meet the players about flat shots, in a wide range of play levels. Corde pressed for the test: Wilson Revolve Spin 22/21 25/01 21/20 20/19 Luxilon Element 25/01 22/21 21/21 21/20 String Project Magic 26/01 22/21 21/21 21/20
  18. Bon et bien n'etant pas 2nde serie, je passe mon tour. A voir pour la 290 mais bon... A mon avis pas de surprise extreme !
  19. Zapatate

    Wilson Clash

    OOOOh ce topic est passé par bien des phases, le 4x4 au couleur du prototype, les Clashs, les avis du pourquoi la raquettes est nase en 30 volumes, les 150 gigowatts qu'ils faut pour qu'88miles à l'heure on reprennent le match au moment ou l’adversaire n’était que 30/4 etc... (Et j'ai ma part de responsabilité dans l'histoire... )
  20. Zapatate

    Wilson Clash

    Question lourdeur, je pense qu'on sera tous d'accord pour dire que le topic "Wilson Clash" est devenu, tout au long de son développement, une sorte de référence...
  21. Bref : du "Nanard sévèrement burné"!!
  22. Tony29 a eu la Burn je crois donc il t'en diras plus. Pour ma part, je ne l'ai testé que genre 10min y'a trop de temps donc je ne m'en rappelle plus (et en plus en revolve donc pas meme cordage). Mais je dirais (et tu as du le conclure en lisant mes posts) que si tu veux de la patate, un cadre epais et tolerant, la Ezone 100 est toute indiquée. Perso je prefere y mettre un cordage controle pour revenir vers un set up polyvalent (relativement controle, disons assez pour me lacher sans trop reflechir car je suis trop c... pour ça) mais si tu ne veux que de la puissance, y'a moyen de moyenner aisément !
  23. Ouep, on en est tous là... Pourtant sur le papier elle partait bien, RA65 (bon c'est pas une clash hyper souple mais qd meme), VDM, cadre isometric super plus tolerant, blabla... Mais au final, pareil, elle me faisait mal au coude (sur les services a plat surtout). Dommage car je l'adorais... Et y'a d'autres cadres qui ne me posent pas de soucis en mono... Donc ciao bella !
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