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Tout ce qui a été posté par Zapatate

  1. Zapatate

    Yonex E-Zone DR

    As tu deja essayé la Vcore 98 ? Elle garde cette sensation feutrée a l'impact qui est si appréciée en DR98, en moins souple toutefois et elle a plus de patate pour defendre/contrer. Lift plus facile et plus gênant aussi.
  2. Ca s'agace un poil sur le FB de Prince (pas grand chose juste une pub mais bon ca annonce la sortie imminente, pour ceux qui commencaient a se gratter) :
  3. Effectivement !
  4. C'est exactement ce que je me disais en lisant ce comparo de LauPrince : "Mais diantre ! Pour quelle raison ce gentilhomme a-t-il cru bon de ne point choisir une Ezone 100 bien plus à même d'être comparer à bon escient à sa gaufre nadalienne ? Poids, Tamis, rigidité, c'est tout une tirade qu'il y avait à poser sur le papier... C'est très désappointant !" (Ouais je me cause comme ca dans ma tête... C'est un peu lourd à la longue mais on s'y fait) Du coup, si tu peux encore, teste plutot une Ezone 100, tu auras qqes choses de plus proche de ta Aero et donc en theorie, entre ton Aero et la Ezone 98, peut etre donc un bon compromis...
  5. Ah ouais ?
  6. Zapatate

    Pure Strike 2019

    Hum... Mais quand même... Pas sur qu'ils fassent Jamaique, Palestine... Bon j'vais rester avec le paint-job normal alors...
  7. Zapatate

    Pure Strike 2019

    La 1 et la 3 : Non mais franchement... Jouer en bleu blanc rouge... En plus en ce moment... Que ce soit avec la politique de Macron ou de Trump (ou alors peut etre pour les fan de catch ou de captain america, bref que des prophètes du bon gout)... Et au delà de ça, en plus de ne pas être hyper recherché ou original, c'est plutôt laid... Y'a un truc avec les marques francaises là ? Le cod sportif, technifibre et Babolat a vouloir foutre le drapeau partout ? La 2, je ne comprends meme pas le trip... C'est la raquette qui saigne quand la balle se bloque là ? (Les utilisateurs de Pure strike savent... Que la balle passe a travers du coeur ! lol)
  8. Pour la 98 : Ezone 98 was the first "hybrid" frame of success with its shooting in mid-proportions between a classical and a mounting racket. For 2020 Yonex, as well as for his sister Ezone 100 , it predicted a big renewal, looking for better feeling with the ball and many other solutions that go, once again, a good project and convincing. Let's find out what, many, innovations, and how's the new Yonex Ezone 98 2020. Headsize 98 inch2 Weight 305 g String Pattern 16 × 19 Balance 315 mm Swingweight (strung) 316 kgcmq Stiffness 64 RA Profile 19-24-23 mm Length 68.6 cm The aestheticsEzone of 98 for 2020 is already in electric blue, color usually proposed as a second "special" exit after a few months. It is not just blue, it has a scale of colors, to the blue, on a basis of geometric effects to prominence. The frame is shiny, very, and also original in his new role, which identifies it immediately. The paint is satin, usual well realized with many overlapping steps, so as to also ensure a degree of abrasion resistance. All serigraphs are made of silver, stand out much and shine, but all in all are simple and help to create a solution of continuity with the blue / blue, while the true element of rupture is an indication, in orange, the presence of the VDM , reported on the left leg, while a fine line of the same color peeps in the inner part of the plate, to emphasize the transition between blue and blue. With theVDM , we open the chapter of the changes, more or less visible, remembering that it is, as already seen on the VCore Pro series, mesh inserted in the graphite mesh, to cushion the impact and reduce vibration. Going forward, to the heart of the frame of a new material has been inserted MX40 , which makes it the most flexible stems, while the chassis frame has been renewed on two fronts: the plate is wider at 3 and 9 o'clock , while it is varied the front beam that becomes thinner and slightly more angular, to search for more aerodynamics and greater connection with the ball, by virtue of a higher bending. To top it all, there is also a new pattern, With a different spacing, more dense in the center and wider towards the edges, housed on grommets entirely new , made so as to "drown the ropes inside them and hold them. To handle no surprise, however, with the usual form Yonex and green cap, where he proudly displayed the "Made in Japan". Unique item worth mentioning is the grip usually thin, which creates a bit 'of stairs in the windings. There those who like it and those who, like me, prefer a smoother surface. Yonex Ezone 98 2020 In the fieldEzone 98 offers of the substance changes in the character of the frame, that the report to a more essential performance, easier in general, but with a less nervous impact behavior. In fact, in its 2017 version Yonex had given her a more responsive character with respect to the sly DR 98 and this had broken a tradition of flexible frames, to which the audience was really fond of her. Well, Ezone returns to be softer, more flexible, more connected to the ball and even with a greater level of control compared to 2017. The feeling is very pleasant and, also thanks to the thinner section of the front beam, it is more sensitive. The work on the stem section has given a good result in this regard and, if you add to the fact that the frame also has a more intimate, wider shape to the flat ropes, there is also an easier ball out. What is lost, however? Something less than the 2017 model and there is first of all speak of power. I have personally used for a whole year Ezone 98 2017, with great satisfaction, because of its lively power and very reactive response, which gave a ball output mixes fairly modern and quite charges rotations, although not accentuatissime, whereas today model 2020 relies entirely on the precision and feeling, with a moderate spin and power more to come up with the speed of execution. Not that the frame is stationary, indeed, but the setting is more likely to give the arm to the free space rather than power, because Ezone 98 is even easier to handle and the head less heavy, while it is more full the stem. On the one hand it is a very positive thing, because less tiring and easier on even Ezone 100 2020, which leaves plenty of room for an experienced arm that wants to manage the racket in toto and also opens to a level of less trained users, but on the other hand always imposes a concreteness and substance swing. It's really fast and easy to swingare, very balanced Superior maneuverability in its 305 grams. When the ball is thrown, restores energy, especially in the front line, but who's counting to put arm "half" or stop the executions, will be disappointed and will have to expend more. In a sense, the 318 points betray real competitive placement of a frame that began as a precision instrument with a sweetspot not common between the 98-inch, wide and very smooth. Yonex Ezone 98 2020 From the baseline, Ezone 98 20202 is based on two fundamental characteristics: accuracy and ease of ball outlet. Although there is not the power of the 100-inch sister, there is a greater simplicity of accelerating the tool to harness the power of the arm, with a considerable tolerance on decentralized. The response frame is clean, smooth on the whole plate and Ezone 98 is a frame that gives a great confidence when aiming at small targets or you have little space to perform a passerby. When you switch to using extreme rotations, the frame is immediately understand that there is no history, it does not make too much when you stamp spin and lose effectiveness, but the shots covered there is no problem, just have to be marked more brushed and the current "lap" is safe. In terms of thrust, even if the frame is shown more flexible and soft, there is no real loss and the arm rotates quickly and easily, finding a trajectory always quite tense and deep output. In fact, the structure becomes less effective in large part the air, not only the different setting. The intensity variation is well managed by the frame, which results in the gradual release of the power and never betrays the force exerted on the shots. The speed with which it moves and the sweetspot create a remarkable combination of ball in terms of output, if there is a bit 'of arm to hold up the whole. On closures, no problem, the ball flat walking and you see, but do it from a distance requires physical, and, with his foot in the field, you can not beat better permanently, even if it does not hold at all. finding a trajectory in always rather tense and profound output. In fact, the structure becomes less effective in large part the air, not only the different setting. The intensity variation is well managed by the frame, which results in the gradual release of the power and never betrays the force exerted on the shots. The speed with which it moves and the sweetspot create a remarkable combination of ball in terms of output, if there is a bit 'of arm to hold up the whole. On closures, no problem, the ball flat walking and you see, but do it from a distance requires physical, and, with his foot in the field, you can not beat better permanently, even if it does not hold at all. finding a trajectory in always rather tense and profound output. In fact, the structure becomes less effective in large part the air, not only the different setting. The intensity variation is well managed by the frame, which results in the gradual release of the power and never betrays the force exerted on the shots. The speed with which it moves and the sweetspot create a remarkable combination of ball in terms of output, if there is a bit 'of arm to hold up the whole. On closures, no problem, the ball flat walking and you see, but do it from a distance requires physical, and, with his foot in the field, you can not beat better permanently, even if it does not hold at all. The intensity variation is well managed by the frame, which results in the gradual release of the power and never betrays the force exerted on the shots. The speed with which it moves and the sweetspot create a remarkable combination of ball in terms of output, if there is a bit 'of arm to hold up the whole. On closures, no problem, the ball flat walking and you see, but do it from a distance requires physical, and, with his foot in the field, you can not beat better permanently, even if it does not hold at all. The intensity variation is well managed by the frame, which results in the gradual release of the power and never betrays the force exerted on the shots. The speed with which it moves and the sweetspot create a remarkable combination of ball in terms of output, if there is a bit 'of arm to hold up the whole. On closures, no problem, the ball flat walking and you see, but do it from a distance requires physical, and, with his foot in the field, you can not beat better permanently, even if it does not hold at all. The back is very tense, classic, a real razor which is useful especially in attack, but that is also played with confidence and decision, while the defense should be contained and controlled more sparingly. There is the side-spin, is exploited, but should not be exaggerated, Ezone 98 makes it better on a back clean and maintained. A network is fast and responds very well, whether it's shot up, even with the edge, both on volleys sank. A network manageability offers a very interesting flexibility, aided by an ability to advance that remains intact on demi-volleys. It is this aspect, highlights how the Ezone 98 is a stretching frame or to the network, however, that is intended for a very varied game. Interestingly smash it is accurate, but above all comfortable and even stomping strong, the impact with the ball is still soft and comfortable. The yield is there and there is room to handle the power on smash, to place it or break. At the service , an excellent strike plate, fast and rigorous by a directional point of view, it is accompanied by an interesting slice for good grip of rotation and a very low output characteristic. Both solutions allow margin and should not be squeezed to be effective, especially the strike plate, which is also in the progressive power delivery. How to Kick, it does a little 'harder to give a very parabola curve, but there is room for a blow up or placed defensive, while the Kick ripped does not make it better. Yonex Ezone 98 2020 Ultimately , Ezone 98 2020 renews the insignia of sensitivity and accuracy, with a more welcoming flat and smooth, but designed more to the strike plate that the spin. A complete racket, effective but not complex in its management, that manages to give satisfaction to a fast arm, though not very strong, involving him with a nice connection with the ball and a sweetness very appreciable impact. Power is not surprising, but there's substance to complete the picture of a precise and not severe competitive chassis. A little 'less hybrid, a bit' more classical, Ezone 98 stands especially for precision handling and feeling, would not spoiled, however, more general power, but it is also true that would not be so quick to move. For everything else, there is the custom! Corde pressed for the test: Yonex Poly Tour Strike 25/01 22/21 21/20 20/19 String Project Keen 01/18 21/21 21/20 20/19
  9. Ou alors je vous copie l'truc : La 100 : Ezone is the most successful line for Yonex and attention that the company places on these rackets is absolutely top notch. Already in the transition between Ezone DR to Ezone, in 2017, it was felt the desire to Yonex offer a service not only satisfactory, but also rewarding, and today we are in the presence of the new line Ezone 2020 , in which Japanese engineers have wanted to merge the "plush" feeling of Dr series with the high performance of Ezone 2017. Ezone 2020 series, which I've tried from 305 grams to 100 grams from 300 national premiere in 98 versions, here the anticipation, At first glance seems a very similar to the previous frame, without major external changes, but presents many new, inside and out, that still raise more performance and sensation. We will see, in a complete, how it behaves Ezone 100 2020, which, as we say now, will place high up in the overall TennisTaste. Headsize 100 inch2 Weight 300 g String Pattern 16 × 19 Balance 320 mm Swingweight (strung) 322 kgcmq Stiffness 68 RA Profile 22-26-23.5 mm Length 68.6 cm The aestheticsof Ezone 100 2020 was a real surprise, because Yonex has accustomed us to lime green as the official color of the colors Ezone line, with a second exit in blue after a while. By 2020, however, the racquet is already realized in electric blue, with a scale of colors, until the blue, on a basis of geometric effects to prominence. The frame is shiny, very, and also original in his new role, which identifies it immediately. The paint is satin, usual well realized with many overlapping steps, so as to also ensure a degree of abrasion resistance. All serigraphs are made of silver, sparkle and stand out much, but overall I am sober and help create a solution of continuity with the blue / blue, while the real element of rupture is an indication, in orange, the presence of the VDM, reported on the left leg, while a fine line of the same color peeps in the inner part of the plate, to emphasize the transition between blue and blue. With theVDM , we open the chapter of the changes, more or less visible, remembering that it is, as already seen on the VCore Pro series, mesh inserted in the graphite mesh, to cushion the impact and reduce vibration. Going forward, to the heart of the frame of a new material has been inserted MX40 , which makes it the most flexible stems, while the chassis frame has been renewed on two fronts: the plate is wider at 3 and 9 o'clock , while it is varied the front beam that becomes thinner and slightly more angular, to search for more aerodynamics and greater connection with the ball, by virtue of a higher bending. To top it all, there is also a new pattern , with a different spacing, housedpassacorde entirely new , made so as to "drown the ropes inside them and hold them. To handle no surprise, however, with the usual form Yonex and green cap, where he proudly displayed the "Made in Japan". Unique item worth mentioning is the grip usually thin, which creates a bit 'of stairs in the windings. There those who like it and those who, like me, prefer a smoother surface. In the fieldEzone 100 2020 got a two fundamental characteristics: it is arrogant in the push and is very precise. The chassis, with the evolution, the result of the maturity of a successful project, has gained much power and now there is no uncertainty in push, which places this 100 at the top of shoe boost, not only easy, because the frame has mass and stability to sell and chasing the ball away so easily, but also understood as maximum power, where you can appreciate the ability to do evil even from long range. In addition, Ezone 100 earns a more progressive, more sensitive too. In fact it is not the power to impress more (is always a 100-inch profiled and 300 grams) but it is the combination of control, high and at the top of the category, and the sensitivity, which is usually sore point between the profiled. The frame is much softer than the version 2017 and 69 RA points declared, 68 detected on the DRC Babolat, seem even less and the new shape of the stem gives a feeling not too dissimilar to than does the sister of 98 inches. The competition between the two is tightened, with advantages and disadvantages, because stability, power and control are also accompanied by a handling a bit 'below the industry average, with a frame from the massive feeling in motion, without a bet head, and an output capacity on the spin certainly natural, but not overwhelming. Yonex here has sharply operated to divide more clearly its range, leaving the role to spin machine to VCore 100 and greater propensity to power and control for Ezone 100. However, the Ezone 100 is not at all stops with the rotations, indeed, only that it is more naturally inclined to explode frontally, even donating a heavy ball, but more for the output speed for the ride. In terms of feeling with the ball, then, Ezone 100 is one of the few that comes to the level ofPure Aero , but, as seen, with a very different character. The ball feels really well, controlling well and the frame gives a great confidence in the shots, with a general feeling of mastery of the situation, even more so because the dish is widened a little 'forget the inertia to 322 points and allows very regular in the large sweetspot impact response. From the baseline, With one arm gracilino does little, it would be good to look at the 280 grams version, but with a minimum of training and technique, Ezone 100 pulls really strong and gradually reacts to stress. Salt regime with great control and knows how to counter the ball with a great impact sweetness, which in addition to protection and comfort, even foments the general feeling of connection with the ball. From the bottom it is at home, offers much margin tolerates off-center, knows how to change pace and, while preferring the little indoor shot, can offer a good dose of natural spin to change style. Despite the great power, it is a frame that also focuses on the control, that provides security and concreteness on closures, provided you do not want to imitate Nadal with its banana-shot, because forcing much spin, do not get as much as desired. Best suited to break through the front, he does understand after a while ', because the relaxed feeling of impact does not immediately understand what pushes, then you hand and takes measurements and makes the most of his talents. The general maneuverability is not bad, but to enter in through the frame should be put in the budget greater how demanding than the average, a bit 'more, for example, with respect to the VCore 100, but like the previous Ezone model 100 2017, compared which, however Ezone 100 2020 has not only rebuilt the trick, but changed his engine! The back is great. It handles with ease and there is an easy matter at medium speed ball out. There is also a good margin on the rhythm and you can push so, the frame holds it low and very row. The side-spin is discreet, it should be worked on and researched, but responds concretely. At net , Ezone 100 there is pretty good. It is Superior maneuverability, requires to move a bit 'before and search space, but it is very real and definitive on flat volleys, while the cut is embroidered with ease. It is also powerful in response on the stresses do not provoke, but maintains control shown in the other areas of the field. The smash is a cannon, also impacting powerful fluency. Serving the strike plate is remarkable. Scrolls always fast, gives rhythm and intensity margin and is always pretty accurate. A strike plate to the classic frame-level, well above the average. The slice is faster and lower than curved, but it offers a discreet management of the lateral spin and always moves a bit 'after the rebound. With the slice becomes much, it is a very malleable solution and while forcing the frame remains buttery impact. MI would have expected a kick irrelevant and, instead, even though some do not speak of a monster-kick, the ball rotates and rises in a satisfactory manner, especially working with the substance, while with the tear gets less. The kick is working well especially when maneuvering and in defense. Ultimately , Ezone 100 is renewed for 2020 with a combination of technology and solutions that make it better than its previous versions, to feel and performance. Yonex has decided to give her a very defined character to the power and control, giving up a little 'spin up than the version 2017, but adding a nice soft and cushioned feel. Ezone 100 is among the very first class of 300 grams and among the leaders of the market frames for effectiveness, completeness, character and overall feel. The thinner, more flexible, more powerful and more connected, a great job by Yonex. Corde pressed for the test Yonex Poly Tour Pro 1.25 22/21 21/20 20/19 String Project 25/01 21/21 21/20 20/19 Soft Armor
  10. Bon faut se connecter pour avoir la review (Anglais ou Italien) :
  11. Et dixit Régine : "C'est impossible de bosser dans ces conditions !!!"
  12. Le "titre de ce topic" est effectivement là pour attirer l'attention, un peu a la manière du maquillage de la vieille Régine qui arpente la nationale car elle aussi pense que le froid change pas mal de critères !
  13. Allé tous en choeur : "I just received the TW package, new racquet with a new paintjob ! Whoua : it's a proto and I JIZZ IN MY PANTS !"
  14. Oui oui mais le sujet n'est pas que pour moi hein... J'illustre avec mon cas mais bon... Je pense que certaines sensibilités, sensations et impressions biaisées sont nombreuses à nuancer du fait du temps et des températures. Que ce soit ici ou sur Youtube etc .
  15. Oue c'est sur, en fait tout cela je le sais bien et d'hab je teste plutot a la belle saison mais là, avec la blessure... Bref... En tout cas, ca meritait un sujet car je trouve qu'il ya bcp de nouveauté en cette periode de fraicheur intense (Ezone, SX, Beast bientôt...)
  16. @jabirout & @VladimirGuez : Bon, vous les 2 au fond là, ca vous interesse pas ce que je raconte ? amenez moi vos carnets de correspondances ! J'ai également eu ce genre d'expérience. Si d'habitude t'aimes ta raquette pour son contrôle, là, tu pestes que ca n'avance plus et que tu ressens rien ou encore que la balle est hyper lourde dans la raquette. T'as juste l'impression d'amortir des cailloux (Hiboux, Joujoux, Poux...) dans le tamis. Mais encore, là, on parle d'une raquette que tu connais. Si c'est une raquette test que tu découvres, avec ce genre de ressenti, tu passes (peut-etre) a coté des qualités de la raquettes et tu la reposes avant même que ca se réchauffe (si ca se réchauffe, parce que le soir...). Et c'est là tout le poids de la question : Un test de raquette en hiver, dans ces conditions, est ce que c'est vraiment révélateur ? (Surtout si en plus tu payes ca 15€ sur TWE pour etre cordé en rotofil à 25kg...) Un gars (tres bon joueur) me disait : "Tester des trucs l'hiver, surtout des trucs puissants, c'est comme s'entrainer avec des vieilles balles molles toutes pourries, tu adores car tu peux tout cogner et tout rentre, t'es même le roi des amorties : Cool ! Sauf que le Jour J, tu reviens à la réalité des balles neuves et tu te demandes si tout ce que tu as fait à l'entrainement à servi à qq chose. Là c'est pareil, quand ca se réchauffe, t'as plus qu'un lance roquette que tu dois tendre à 27" (ok je retranscris en exagérant un poil...)
  17. Bon allé, un peu de sérieux les enfants ! On lève le doigt et on répond gentiment à la maitresse ! (Le premier qui me repond que les raquettes, en hiver, on les met au pied, c'est chez le dirlo direct !)
  18. Je sens qu'on a posé des bases bien sérieuses à ce topic !!
  19. Voilà ! GAZ pour Noel, GAZ pour les Soldes, GAZ pour la chandeleur etc... Jusqu'à Pâques on est bon ! Alors sinon pour l'interieur, oui mais c'est pas partout, ici, t'as tres tres peu de terrain couvert. Si en plus tu joues tres tôt ou le soir... Même ton sac fait la gueule !!!
  20. Salut tout l'monde, je suis en période de test de matos actuellement et j'aimerais avoir le retour et l'expérience de chacun sur vos tests de raquettes (et cordages aussi) en hiver. Alors j'ai ma petite idée mais je vais poser tout cela d'une manière naïve histoire d'ouvrir le débat : Comme vous l'avez certainement remarqué, en hiver, il fait... Froid ! (Ok ok, attendez, attendez j'ai d'autres exclues !) Et quand il fait froid, tout est raide : le cordage, le joueur, les balles etc... D'ailleurs, en général, on baisse la tension du cordage pour retrouver patate et souplesse mais même comme cela... Quand tes balles sont des glacons façons Pirénéens des Nuls... C'est chaud... Enfin non du coup... Bref... J'en etais où ? Ah oui : Dans certaines régions, cela dure plus que dans d'autres ok mais globalement; ma question : Pour vous, fort de votre expérience perso, que vaut réellement un test de matos durant l'hiver et ce, surtout au regard de ce que celui-ci donnera ensuite durant la belle saison ? (oue cette phrase aurais pu etre mieux ecrite...) Pensez vous que cela soit inutile tellement les sensations, la météo voire même parfois l'équipement (balle dure, cordage raide, manteau echarpe double paire de chaussette et moon boots...Et le petzouille en face qui est dans le même état de digestion avancée de la sousoupe aux oignons de la veille) sont differents et donc (attention, phrase compliquée, voire quelque peu alambiquée) pourrait même faire apprecier d'autres raquettes que celle qui serait, pourquoi pas, la plusssssssss top en été ? OU Pensez vous plutôt qu'une bonne sensation en hiver (avec un bon set up cordage-tension-raquette-equilibre-poids-SW-unepetitecollationdenoel-Gnôleducoin) donnera forcément une bonne sensation en été ? Il suffit de jouer "libéré" (Non franchement, ne cliquez pas sur ce lien...) Parce que oue, on s'adapte tranquille t'as vu ? Tu retends, tu mets du plus gros, etc... T'inquiète couz, ca gère tout seul. Alors pour résumer : Jamy, ca vaut quoi de tester une raquette sous une avalanche ? Autrement dit : Choisir une raquette en hiver peut il entrainer qqes déceptions et remises en question de cette dernière en été... J'espère juste que vous n'aurez pas l'envie de poster CECI car, on est d'accord, ça reste une question sur le ressenti et expérience de chacun !
  21. Je vois ce que tu veux dire. J'ai fait exactement le meme comparo que toi, dans les meme config et oui la Ezone est raide et cela lui est souvent reproché mais si je peux me permettre, feutré ne veut pas dire souple mais plutot atténué. Par exemple, entre la Prince Beast 98 et Best 98 O3 celle avec 03 est plus rigide, toutefois les frappes sont plus feutrées. Ou encore certaines raquettes avec countervail pourtant rigide auront un impact plus feutré que la version sans. Je parle plutot du sens premier de "feutré" qui est une atténuation (le dico dit "étouffé") d'une absorbtion de choc (et aussi de sensation) qui rend cela moins dur et "semblant" plus tolérant. Et l'ezone 100 est stable a l'impact donc on sent moins l'impact / la lourdeur de la balle dans la raquette. Par contre, oui, elle est rigide dans le sens elle est tres droite a l'impact avec un temps de contact balle/corde tres cours mais cette sensation est quasi identique partout dans le cordage et pas hyper nuisible dans qu'on ne met pas du Tourbite a 25kg. Tennis addict reproche à cette ezone est "son manque de caractère" qui, pour moi, vient de ce coté feutré/atténué. Peut etre aurais je ete plus juste en disant : un impact sec et aseptisé ? Nb : j'ai surtout ressenti son coté tres sec quand le cordage venait d'etre posé. Apres qqes heures, le PTP s'assouplit et c'est vrai que je parle plutot de ce moment là, disons apres 1h de grosse frappe. (la celebre break in periode) Mais oui, elle est connue pour etre rigide cette ezone. La Vcore Pro est plus controle, avec bien plus de sensations restituées, ce qui peut etre tres interessant et meme jouissif (perso j'adore) car on sent bien ou l'on prend la balle, elle est donc moins feutré (=bien moins aseptisé). Mais a tension/cordage egale, elle est moins stable et perso, l'instabilité me fatigue vite le bras et me detruit les tendons (poignets, coudes et épaules) car j'ai tendance a vouloir stabiliser la raquette, soucis qui arrive souvent avec des raquettes plus legeres pour lesquelles ont interdit justement le mono. J'ai ressenti ceci surtout là en hiver, quand je prenais la balle dans le haut du cadre (Vcore pro) contre un 15/4 qui tapent deja bien et sur gros service a plat. Et là, par contre, c'est pour ca que je n'ai pas craqué sur ce cadre : j'ai une grosse premiere et elle me pete le coude quand j'y vais comme il faut...
  22. Pour avoir testé la Vcore 98 j'ai eu un peu le meme soucis que toi : launch angle trop haut donc balle trop bombée, trop de puissance/pas assez de controle... La Ezone 100 m'a paru bien mieux car ca par droit et le lift sert a faire retomber la balle là ou avec la Vcore 98, celle ci monte apres la frappe. Je me suis vraiment éclaté sur cette ezone en tapant de 30 à 15/4. En vcore pro 100, c'est plus controle mais c'est bien moins feutrée que la Ezone 100. On a plus de sensations, mais faut plus s'engager. Alors oui la Ezone est plus puissante mais etant plus feutré, tu peux y mettre un cordage plus controle comme un Poly tour strike qui est "ca va" pour le bras. En vcore pro, attention aux blessures si tu mets du rotofil ! Bref, tu peux la tester cette Ezone 100 !
  23. Zapatate

    Pure Strike 2019

    Oue mais voilà... Du coup, meme si tu testes un truc correct chez Babolat, tu ne sais pas ce que tu auras en achat... Et Chez, pour la Gravity, c'etait l'horreur aussi... A ce prix... Franchement...
  24. Zapatate

    Pure Strike 2019

    Perso : Testé les 2 PS 100 cote a cote cordé en PTP à 23g et la nouvelle est biiiiiiiiiien plus puissante ! (Testée par mes partenaires du jour à l'epoque : meme ressenti, balle bien plus longue) Par contre, de l'avis general : Le confort de jeu est bien plus sympa avec la nouvelle. La frappe est grisante, mais voilà, ca sortait souvent lors d'attaque. J'ai testé cela sur 2 sessions de 2h avec 2 equipes differentes. Par controle, je n'ai pas controlé les specs, balances, SW etc... Vu que chez Babolat, y'a qes fois des surprises, ca peut expliquer...
  25. Edit : J'efface mon post, j'ai ma reponse.
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