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  • 4 mois après...

Qui pourrait traduire ces appréciations ur la BB NYC ! Merci

Groundstrokes - Score: 77


Easy to swing and offering plenty of control, the NYC provided ample spin for offensive baseline play. Chris found that the right string setup really helped with this racquet's performance. He offered, "It took me some time to find the right string setup to feel comfortable off the ground with this racquet. It responded best for me when I used a very fast swing speed. On slower swings, when I was looking to hit a touch shot or just place the ball, I found the racquet to lack stability. When banging the ball with big spin and power, the racquet responded immensely better and felt much more solid. Toward the end of the test we put some Polyfibre TCS 16 string in the racquet, and it took the performance to a new level for me. The softer response of the TCS improved the comfort immensely, and I was getting better spin, more touch and all the control needed to allow me to confidently stay on the gas."

The NYC provided ample control on groundstrokes for Carol. She said, "The racquet was easy on the arm and didn't have a shock factor. I had an adjustment issue with the head light balance (6pts HL vs. my normal 10 pts HL) and low weight (10.8 vs 12.2 ounces strung). Although I had great control with this racquet and was able to place my shots around the court with ease, I had little pop behind my shots. I definitely found myself having to hit an extra ball to put points away or just not being able to be as offensive as I like. I loved the great placement, but with my game style and physical size, I need my racquet to provide a little more power."

Jason enjoyed the power, spin and general playability from the baseline. He said, "This was such an easy racquet to swing! I loved the maneuverability and how it allowed me to successfully hit some angled shots from both wings. I felt like my topspin forehands had more bite and kick than usual and I was able to hit my backhand slice effectively. I was surprised by the power because it is only 10.8 ounces strung. I found plenty of pop to help me play more offensively. I will admit that I would've liked the overall weight to be increased about half an ounce to help it against the two big hitting opponents I face on a regular basis: Carol and Brittany. "

Jose agreed with Jason. He added, "It was really easy to generate racquet speed from the baseline. The only issue I had was depth. I had a hard time hitting the ball deep in the court. "


Volleys - Score: 81

The light weight and maneuverability of the NYC was apparent at net, although some testers experienced a little instability. Wanting to add a little more weight was Chris. He said, "Light and fast feeling, I found this racquet very easy to get into position at net. I would definitely add some weight to this one to improve stability. When I was punching volleys, the racquet felt good. It was when I had to absorb pace or looked to drop the ball short with a very soft grip on the racquet that I had issues with stability. A little lead tape would fix this one up for me, and in stock form I'd call this one a good platform for weight/balance customization."

Jose enjoyed the NYC at net, finding good directional control. He said, "Since the racquet is light and maneuverable I had a fun time with volleys. It was easy to direct the ball in any direction. Once again the only issue I came across was hitting the ball deep in the court."

Jason really liked the NYC up at net for both volleying and overheads, saying, "Again, the mobility made it great for reflex volleys, especially the ones right at the body. I also found nice touch with the open string pattern. I did notice some torsional instability when I was at full stretch, trying to get to a ball."

Carol found herself struggling with power at net. She said, "The racquet provided control and consistency, but very little pop. I also wasn't able to change the pace of the ball with the ease I usually have. When I come to the net it's to end the point, and I need the confidence that my racquet will provide control and stick. I think it is missing the stick part."

Serves - Score: 80

While most of the testers found good spin and pace, they all enjoyed good placement and consistency. Jason offered, "The combination of power and spin I found on my serve was amazing, especially when it was strung up with Polyfibre TCS. This racquet even inspired enough confidence that I started trying to hit kick serves in games. I'm not saying they were the most successful serves, but at least I felt like I could hit them. Placement and targeting were solid as well. "

Accuracy was key for Carol. She said, "Again, I was hitting all my targets with ease, and the racquet was very comfortable and easy on the arm. I really enjoyed the maneuverability and whip of the racquet on this shot, but I needed more pop."

Jose found spin production to be high, saying, "I notice some extra spin on my kicker and extra power on my flat serve. It was easy to generate the racquet speed, which allowed me to get that bite on the ball."

Also finding good pace and spin was Chris. He said, "I served pretty well with this racquet. I wouldn't say I was hitting the heaviest ball, but I was finding my targets and keeping the returner guessing. I liked the angles I could find on spin serves and found I could quickly dial in my targeting and find more of an angle without sacrificing consistency. On second serves I was getting enough spin that I could inject more pace to keep me on the offensive."


Serve Returns - Score: 79

All playtesters noticed the lack of weight on serve returns. Although they enjoyed the control and spin, they found the racquet got pushed around a little more than they would have liked. Needing a little more oomph was Carol. She said, "I'm very aggressive with my serve return, so I really rely on a racquet that provides me with a lot of control. I loved being able to hit my targets and get myself in an offensive position, but wish I had a little more pop on the ball."

Jason would have liked more mass, too, as he got caught out on really aggressive serves. He explained, "Unlike with my serves, I really would've liked more mass for my returns. It felt like the NYC got pushed around more in this area, and especially so on my weaker side, the backhand. When I had opportunities to be aggressive with my return I really enjoyed it. I loved being able to take full cuts at the ball and have it land in because of the heavy spin."

Chris returned well with this racquet, especially in doubles. He said, "I was able to get lots of spin and I was hitting cross court angles very well. I would have liked a little more mass behind the ball to really drive a hard flat return as the crisp response and precise feel was there. As from other areas of the court, the racquet felt good, but I knew it could feel even better with the addition of some lead weight."

Jose struggled with being aggressive, saying, "It was easy getting a racquet on most serves to get them back in play. I did have a difficult time being offensive on any return."

  • 5 semaines après...

Petit CR de le BB NYC (avec un petit air de fête) cordée en MCT Stratospeed à 24/23
Le cadre et le cordage forment un ensemble homogène, très réactif et confortable.

Ce compte rendu est rédigé après deux matchs d'entrainement joué sur le même court avec le même adversaire (1H30 et 2h00 de jeurespectivement).
Les deux matchs ont été très durs physiquement, le 1er joué alors que je venais d'aterrir sur la Réunion, le second deux jours après avec 35 degrés/60% d'humidité.
dans les deux cas, à l'usure j'ai manqué de lucidité mais les débuts de matchs ont été transcendants avec une raquette apportant d'excellentes sensations engendrant une bonne confiance sur toutes les frappes.

Remarques générales :
cadre très agréable mais nerveux (très bonnes accélérations). il est puissant mais la balle reste dans le court. Je la trouve précise en outre.
L'accès aux effets est facile, que ce soit en lift ou en chop. Elle est très agréablement surprenante sur les accélérations à plat, du fond du court ou sur balle courte.
Elle envoie du lourd mais c'est une raquette "compétition" où il faut lacher le bras pour en tirer le maximum.
elle est maniable et précise, en fond de court ou à la volée.

En fait, ma principale difficulté est venue du service où au bout de deux matchs d'entrainement, je n'ai pas encore réglé le service à plat. peux être lié au fait qu'elle soit rallongée ou à un lancer de balle inadapté. Ce domaine est toutefois prometteur.

Par rapport à la DC PRO, elle m'apporte plus de confiance dans mon jeu (plutôt recouvert et agressif du fond du court) lié à un contrôle supérieur.
Merci maitre Didier.


Bonjour à tous !

Je remonte ce vieux sujet ! Quelqu'un pourrait il qualifier les différentes raquettes BB car entre les BB11 et BB10 et les nouvelles (DC ?), je ne vois plus à quoi cela correspond ! Merci.

Bonjour à tous !

Je remonte ce vieux sujet ! Quelqu'un pourrait il qualifier les différentes raquettes BB car entre les BB11 et BB10 et les nouvelles (DC ?), je ne vois plus à quoi cela correspond ! Merci.

Bb11 et 10 vieux modèles qu'on ne trouve plus : BB 11 :630 old school et Bb10 645 16x18 style pure drive (même moule que le nYC actuelle)

les delta core :plus rigides et stables


la BB10 est encore trouvable en solde cet hiver !

Peut on classifier la nouvelle gamme de BB et Volkl ? genre : style de jeux, confort, etc. etc. afin d'avoir un pannel de la gamme ?

la BB10 est encore trouvable en solde cet hiver !

Peut on classifier la nouvelle gamme de BB et Volkl ? genre : style de jeux, confort, etc. etc. afin d'avoir un pannel de la gamme ?

tu l'as vue en magasin physique? la bb10 ?rouge et blanche?


Pour ceux qui s'y connaissent, pouvez vous donner les caractéristiques principales (style de jeu, niveau nécessaire etc.) des raquettes suivantes :

- BB10

- BB11

- toute la gamme DC (où là je trouve aucune info )

- la classification des volkl (quel lien entre la 1 et la 8 par exemple ?)



Volkl 1 à 10

Théoriquement, plus on est haut, plus la raquette est dure à jouer..

La 8, c'est une pure drive un peu plus contrôle, la 0 fait 310g, la 10 2 versions 295g et 325g cadre genre pure storm, rebel98.

La 5 fait 255g, la 6 est surtout pour un public feminin.

La 4 adapt"e au geste courts et plutôt à plat.

La 1, c'est leur raquette de "papy", ne pas confondre avec la V1.


La London, 305g, assez puissante, stable, 630cm²

La melbourne, c'est un peu leur prestige mp

La NYC, maniable, rigide, précis mais pas trop puissant pour un cadre de cette famille.

La pro, c'est un peu une pure drive en un poil plus lourd.


Merci zythologue !!!

Par contre, une question, tu dis que les chiffres vont à la difficultés à jouer.... mais la V1 que je possède fait 285 gr alors que la 5 fait 255 gr ? mais j'y vois quand meme plus clair !!!

Pour les BB, le choix est plus limité et les cadres sont facilement identifiables (poids et taille du tamis). Merci en tout cas !!!


ouahhhh !!! merci de toutes ces explications ! Je commence à comprendre cette marque ! (désolé de n'être qu'ingénieur !).

  • 4 semaines après...

Bonjour, j'ai récemment acheté 2 raquettes Bb london, je suis fan, tellement que j'ai déjà peur de l'après... Est ce qu'elles sont toujours produites? Et si oui ou en trouver d'autres? J'ai cru voir qu'il y avait certains dettes de contacts privilégiés par ici... "vous êtes mon seul espoir" Que la force de Boris soit avec vous.

  • 1 mois après...

je confirme les propos de clouclou ... pour la puissance, un peu de poids en tête et c Ok Plus puissante mais moins contrôle que la London

en me promenant sur le net je viens de trouver des photos de la volkl quantum 8 tour (nom un peu ecorché peut être?) les joncs sont identiques à la becker NYC (outtes 2 645,16x18 même inscription carbon lite titanium comme sur la BB10 également)​

  • 3 mois après...

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