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  1. Update from my side: thanks to a great user of the forum, i managed to contact the owner of the shop. He said that my order was shipped but lost. In any case he offered me to re-ship or refund, at which point i chose refund, which arrived quite promptly, i must say. All in all, it turned out well, and Frederic seemed to be a pretty OK guy. I can't tell if, with me doing nothing and just waiting, i would have received anything in the end. My conclusion is that, now that i have the contact, i could try to order again (maybe) from him. Without, i would personally avoid international orders for items not currently in stock, and, more in general, recommend to use the shop (which still has an interesting selection of products, in my opinion) to the locals or to those who could, in case of problems, use an holiday to Paris as last resort :-) And i want to again those here who helped me! Thanks for the help guys! :-)
  2. Yes, you are right, and that's the sad part. I saw a few nice things I wanted to add to the order after i made it (like those 5 teeths clamps from Pro's pro and other such niceties), but at this point I just have to live with the fact I simply can't order from a shop that has no customer care, and from which I'm not even sure I'll ever receive my very first order.. If this shall change, I might reconsider my position and advice. You see, I shopped from him in the first place because a friend of a friend had a good experience a year ago buying the same product. Now probably my friends and others reading this thread won't shop from him because I'm having such experience..
  3. Thanks a lot, Hibou, for this update. It would have been good if mr Clarhaut would have informed his customers with pending orders about this, but ok, we learned he doesn't do this. Let's hope he reacts soon. Will keep you posted if something changes.
  4. Small update: two more weeks have passed, a few more messages have been sent. Still radio silence. I'm not sure if this shop is even operating anymore. In all frankness, at the moment i don't recommend to anybody to buy online from this shop. But I will post updates if anything changes
  5. Thank you so much for the support, Titouess! I forgot to write that i tried to contact the shop by phone many times (and from different numbers ), but as the others wrote here, the phone is permanently unanswered. I can understand that, if Frederic is overloaded with work. Although, i would also appreciate one mail of feedback saying when i could approximately expect the machine to be shipped.. That would calm me down as i would know it will be shipped I was considering to ask the Association Diocesaine on the other side of the street for help
  6. Hi, apologies for writing in english. I'm an foreign user, and i've been adviced to ask on this forum as you guys might know more about the shop. I ordered a stringing machine from TennisRaquette, and paid it the 22nd of july, following the advice of a friend who bought the same machine a year ago from the same online shop, and received it at once. After several messages i got a reply from Frederic the 2nd of september that the machine (which was marked as "shipped in 5 days") would have be in stock again around mid september. The 17th of september the order status was changed to "in preparation". After that, radio silence. From what i could understand in this thread, Frederic is probably just waiting for the machine to arrive, and i should not worry. Do I get it right? If possible, I'd avoid to bug him with requests if he cant ship just yet (beside, he wouldn't reply anyway) Thanks in advance
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